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Gymnázium, Dobruška, Pulická 779 is a secondary grammar school established by Hradec Králové Regional Council. It is located on its own piece of land on the peaceful  outskirts of Dobruška in Eastern Bohemia and it is connected with the building of Pulická Street Primary School. Approximately 60% of students are commuters coming especially from Nové Město nad Metují  and Opočno, maximum distance for commiting is usually about 20 km.

Gymnázium consists of 4 classes of 4-year branch (usually 136 students aged from 15 to 19)  and 8 classes of 8-year branch (usually up to 272 students). 8-year branch is divided into 4 classes of lower grade (pupils aged from 11 to 15) and 4 classes of upper grade (students aged from 15 to 19). The average number of people per class is 30 students which makes an optimal compromise between the reasonable size of the group and operating costs. Students are accepted according to the results of entrance examinations and that is why not many students are diagnosed any studying disorders.  If there appears anybody like that, they are integrated and their problem is solved on the ground of an individual studying plan. Teachers work with extremely gifted children especially during office hours, they try to support their talent and motivate them to participate in various knowledge-based contests.

Lessons are organised in 20 classrooms - 4 are consigned to lower grade pupils, there are Biology classroom with the lab, Chemistry classroom with the lab, Physics classroom with the lab, computer room, language classroom, 6 classrooms for 30 students and 2 classrooms for half a class. The majority of the classrooms are equipped with IT including a projector and the Internet access, which are used during lessons.  P.E.  takes place either in a small gym, where a climbing wall was installed in 2014, or on the outside playing field.  A part of the school is also its own canteen with the capacity of 600 hot lunches a day.

In this school year you can find in the staff 28 fully qualified teachers, who even  try to reach higher education in various programmes and courses organised by pedagogical institutions.

Gymnázium has not started to cooperate with any foreign school on a regular basis so far. Bilateral contacts with the countries abroad were realized only thanks to short-lasting projects and grants. These were the international exchange programmes with Wessel-Gansfort College in Groningen /Netherlands/ and Gymnazium No 8 in Plock /Poland/.  Both of them were supported financially by the Fund of Hradec Králové Regional Development.  An iseparable part of our life at school are sightseeing trips of students to Great Britain and newly also to Germany and Austria. In the future we hope to organise sport courses abroad if students get interested in this plan.